School required dental exam for kids

Your Child’s School May Require a Dental Exam

Many primary & secondary schools across the United States (& in some other countries) require students to have a dental exam from a pediatric dentist or family dentist before they finish certain grade levels.

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trivia about novocain dental anesthetic

Dentists Don’t Use Novocain Anymore!

Dentists no longer use Novocain when treating patients. No, this doesn't mean we've somehow managed to make dentistry completely painless (we wish!).

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How to Choose a Toothbrush

Humans have been using toothbrushes to remove food from teeth for thousands of years. Early toothbrushes were sticks with frayed ends, & later brushes were made from bone, wood or ivory & animal hairs. We have come a long way since then, & toothbrushes today are very effective at removing food & plaque & keeping your teeth & gums clean to prevent tooth decay.

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Dentist degrees DMD vs. DDS

What’s the Difference Between DDS & DMD?

As dentists we know we sometimes speak a slightly different, more clinical, language than our patients. We try not to be mysterious, but sometimes what’s common knowledge to us could be confusing to our patients. One common thing that patients want to know is the meaning of the different letters you see after our names: either DDS or DMD. So what’s the difference? Is one better than the other?

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dentist pointing out signs of a cavity on dental x-ray

Signs of a Cavity

Cavities, or tooth decay, is a fairly common dental ailment, particularly in children or young adults. Even though most of our patients are familiar with what cavities are, we find that many are still surprised when we tell them they have a cavity! That's because many cavities, especially early on, do not cause tooth pain & may not be visible to the untrained eye.

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woman with white clear ceramic braces

Clear Braces vs. Metal Braces

The choice between clear braces or metal braces is becoming an age-old debate at the orthodontist's office or the dentist's office. For many patients who wish to straighten their teeth, the choice comes down to balancing the affect of orthodontics on your appearance, it's impact on your budget, & the expected or desired outcome for your particular case.

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an ounce of preventive dentistry

See the Dentist More Often & You’ll Save Money!

What if we told you the more often you see your dentist, the less you'll spend on dentistry? We know it sounds like a contradiction, but that is the power of preventive dentistry.

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woman getting teeth whitening at the dentist

The Science Behind Teeth Whitening

In a world filled with whitening toothpastes and drugstore whitening kits, it’s important to know that the most effective teeth whitening treatment still comes from your dentist.

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woman grinding teeth bruxism

What You Should Know About Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding is when you clench your jaw closed & grind your teeth together, whether consciously or unconsciously. Teeth grinding is called bruxism by dentists, & it can cause damage, discomfort & pain.

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