What Is a Deep Cleaning?

Most dental patients come into the office twice a year for a teeth cleaning.…

hollywood smile porcelain veneers

The Star-Studded History of Veneers

If your teeth are cracked, stained, or otherwise damaged, cosmetic dentistry…

The Importance of Caring for Baby Teeth

There is nothing as charming and precious as a child’s happy smile.…

A Little-Known Dental Insurance Trick Can Save You Money

When it comes to dental insurance, or insurance in general, many of us are…

The Facts & Mysteries of Bruxism

Bruxism is what dentists call teeth clenching and teeth grinding. The symptoms…

The Difference Between Cleanings, Deep Cleanings & Periodontal Maintenance

There is more than one type of dental procedure that may be casually referred…

Make the Most of Your Dental Insurance Before the Year Ends!

As your dental clinic, it’s our responsibility to help guide you through your…

Replacing Missing Teeth: Dentures vs. Dental Implants

Whether you've lost teeth to decay, periodontal disease or an accident, we know…

woman answering dentistry quiz

Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Dental Health?

Test your knowledge of dentistry & your dental health! Take the quiz &…

Why Dental Care Is Important

Any dentist will tell you that dental care is important, but what we might not…