smile makeover without braces

3 Ways to Re-Shape Your Smile Without Braces

When people think of a smile makeover, many people think of braces. And it's…

Toothpaste prevents tooth decay

What Is Toothpaste Made Of?

These days people are being more and more conscious of what's in the food they…

teeth bleaching results

How Teeth Whitening Works

Teeth whitening is one of the quickest & least invasive ways to make a huge…

paleo diet doesn't always prevent tooth decay

You Can Still Get Cavities on a Paleo Diet!

The paleo diet is a nutritional lifestyle that only includes the types of foods…

Summer a great time for braces

Why Summer Is a Great Time to Start Braces

Why not start getting your kids' smiles in shape this summer? Kids, & often…

pregnant woman with healthy teeth

How Pregnancy Can Affect Your Oral Health

Among the many changes that women experience in their bodies when they become…

avoid tooth decay obey your hygienist

5 Things You Do That Annoy Your Dental Hygienist

Despite what some people seem to think, a hygienist's greatest desire is not to…

Tube of Toothpaste

5 Things You Didn't Know From Dental Care History in the U.S.

We'll bet the early history of dental care and dentists in the United States is…

vsugar free brownie recipevv

Low Sugar Dessert Recipes to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

As the dental health professionals in charge of keeping your smile healthy, we…

model showing dental implants

How Long to Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants are one of the greatest innovations of modern dentistry. They…